Minnesota Humanities Center

Tag: Third Way Civics (3WC)

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Image for Celebrating Women’s History Month: Remembering Women Democracy Educators

Celebrating Women’s History Month: Remembering Women Democracy Educators

March 11, 2022 - By Marie Ström

A learning pair at the Jane Addams School Social movements don’t gain momentum automatically. People must be equipped for leadership and action. Too often this formative work is overshadowed by the headline-making events it makes possible. Women’s History Month provides an opportunity to shine a spotlight on women democracy educators…

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Image for Third Way Civics: Educating Undergraduates for American Democracy

Third Way Civics: Educating Undergraduates for American Democracy

March 4, 2022 - By Trygve Throntveit

“Most students report that they want their post-college lives to be personally rewarding and publicly meaningful.” What does it mean to live in a democracy? This question confronts all peoples aspiring to a life of liberty, security, and dignity. For those living in a political…

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