Minnesota Humanities Center

Increase Engagement through Absent Narratives

Deepening connections. Empowering communities.

About the Workshop

Increase Engagement Through Absent Narratives is an all-day workshop designed for educators, school administrators, and business, community, and organizational leaders who want to build better relationships with their students, colleagues, clients and/or partners.

Workshop participants will use personal stories, conversations, and guided reflections to practice strategies that help engage others with respect and empathy, while also exploring four key concepts: Building and Strengthening Relationships, Recognizing the Power of Story and the Danger of Absence, Introduction to Epistemology, and Community Solutions.

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Sung Ja Shin


Absent Narratives – Stories, narratives, and/or histories that have been – either consciously or unconsciously – marginalized, overshadowed, or excluded from the dominant and/or predominant culture(s).
Danger of Absence – The negative impact felt by people, groups, communities, and/or cultures when their stories, histories, and lived experiences are overlooked, diminished, and/or excluded from public life and discourse.
Epistemology – The investigation of the ways people know and understand the world.


Participants are expected to attend the entirety of the workshop.

Participants should be prepared to share personal stories and experiences, listen to fellow participants with respect and empathy, and understand that discomfort is an integral part of the learning and growing process.


Workshop participants will leave with:
An understanding of the negative impact exclusion from public life and discourse has on individuals, communities, and cultures.

Increased awareness of their own conscious and unconscious biases.
Tools and resources to better engage their students, colleagues, clients and/or partners.

8 clock hours for K-12 educators.

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