Somali Bilingual Book Project

In 2006, the Minnesota Humanities Center in collaboration with the Minnesota Somali community launched the Somali Bilingual Book Project. Our shared goal was to ensure the community has high-quality authentic resources that promote and preserve heritage languages and increase English literacy skills of refugee and immigrant families. The project culminated with the publication of four traditional Somali folktales in both English and Somali as well as a dual-language audio recording.
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“The Lion’s Share – Qayb Libaax”
Retold by Said Salah Ahmed
Illustrated by Kelly Dupre
This traditional Somali folktale tells an animal fable about the misuse of power. The animals all work together to kill a camel, but then the lion comes and demands that they give him a share. Although he did none of the work, he ends up with most of the camel, prompting the other animals to say, “The lion’s share is not fair.”
“Dhegdheer: A Scary Somali Folktale”
Retold by Marian A. Hassan
Illustrated by Betsy Bowen
In this hair-raising cautionary tale from Somalia, the Hargega Valley is plagued by the monstrous Dhegdheer, a witch who gobbles up anyone unlucky enough to cross her path. A widow and her young son try to escape her. Will they be Dhegdheer’s next meal or will their virtue save them and help bring an end to Dhegdheer’s reign of terror?

“Wiil Waal: A Somali Folktale”
Retold by Kathleen Moriarty
Illustrated by Amin Amir
When a wise Somali leader asks the men in his province to bring him the part of a sheep that best symbolizes what can divide men or unite them as one, most present him with prime cuts of meat. But one very poor man’s daughter has a different idea. In this clever folktale, a father reluctantly follows his daughter’s advice and has astonishing results.
“The Travels of Igal Shidad – Safarada Cigaal Shidaad”
Retold by Kelly Dupree
Illustrated by Amin Amir
When a wise Somali leader asks the men in his province to bring him the part of a sheep that best symbolizes what can divide men or unite them as one, most present him with prime cuts of meat. But one very poor man’s daughter has a different idea. In this clever folktale, a father reluctantly follows his daughter’s advice and has astonishing results.