Minnesota Humanities Center

Tag: Education

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Image for Third Way Civics: Educating Undergraduates for American Democracy

Third Way Civics: Educating Undergraduates for American Democracy

March 4, 2022 - By Trygve Throntveit

“Most students report that they want their post-college lives to be personally rewarding and publicly meaningful.” What does it mean to live in a democracy? This question confronts all peoples aspiring to a life of liberty, security, and dignity. For those living in a political…

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Image for On the Blazing of Trails

On the Blazing of Trails

March 26, 2021 - By Dr. Theresa Battle

In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Minnesota Humanities Center has asked some of our friends to write essays to share with you their thoughts on diverse women’s achievements and challenges over time, in Minnesota and elsewhere. These thoughts and reflections display a variety of perspectives to encourage healthy dialogue,…

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Image for Recovering Women’s Stories/Inventing Women’s History

Recovering Women’s Stories/Inventing Women’s History

March 24, 2021 - By Mary K. Boyd

In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Minnesota Humanities Center has asked some of our friends to write essays to share with you their thoughts on diverse women’s achievements and challenges over time, in Minnesota and elsewhere. These thoughts and reflections display a variety of perspectives to encourage healthy dialogue,…

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Image for The Case for Civic Education

The Case for Civic Education

February 18, 2020 - By Kevin Lindsey

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” The words of President Thomas Jefferson still ring true today more than 200 years later.

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Image for Bruce Lee and the Rules of Engagement

Bruce Lee and the Rules of Engagement

July 23, 2019 - By Karin Aguilar-San Juan

For several years at Macalester College I’ve been teaching a course about Bruce Lee, the iconic martial artist/movie star from the 1970s. The course explores themes of racism, masculinity, and violence. As a lifelong martial arts practitioner myself, I admire Bruce Lee’s skill, perseverance, and insight. In order to prevent…

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Image for The Future is Ours to Shape

The Future is Ours to Shape

April 18, 2019 - By Amy K. Hamlin

I work at St. Catherine University where I am an Associate Professor of Art History and also one of three mission chairs. At St. Kate’s, our mission is to educate women to lead and influence. The three mission chairs correspond to the three pillars of our mission: Catholic, women,…

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Image for What We Don’t Know We Don’t Know About Veterans on Campus

What We Don’t Know We Don’t Know About Veterans on Campus

March 19, 2019 - By Amy Muse

A few weeks after I attended the Veterans’ Voices Educator Salon in summer 2018, a card appeared in my mailbox; it was from me, reminding future me of ways I could help student-Veterans at the University of St. Thomas, where I teach English. For several years now—since reading Bryan Doerries’…

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