Minnesota Humanities Center

Tag: Latino/Latina/Latine/Latinx

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St. Paul – Poetry Encuentro: A Latine Poetry Gathering

This poetry encuentro will bring together Latine community members to engage in storytelling based on Latine literary traditions. We want to recognize the complex and inspiring stories of Minnesota's Latine community and their contribution to Minnesota's diverse and vibrant cultural heritage. Read More


St. Paul – Latine Hxstory and the Xican@ Pop-Up Book Movement

K-12 educators will receive 6 clock hours. This workshop will introduce teachers to the Xican@ Pop-Up Book (XPUB) movement that was developed by Dr. Elias Serna and John Avalos Rios as a response to the dismantling of the Mexican American Studies (MAS) Department in Tucson, Arizona. Read More