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Image for Celebrating Women’s History Month: Remembering Women Democracy Educators

Celebrating Women’s History Month: Remembering Women Democracy Educators

March 11, 2022 - By Marie Ström

A learning pair at the Jane Addams School Social movements don’t gain momentum automatically. People must be equipped for leadership and action. Too often this formative work is overshadowed by the headline-making events it makes possible. Women’s History Month provides an opportunity to shine a spotlight on women democracy educators…

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Image for Third Way Civics: Educating Undergraduates for American Democracy

Third Way Civics: Educating Undergraduates for American Democracy

March 4, 2022 - By Trygve Throntveit

“Most students report that they want their post-college lives to be personally rewarding and publicly meaningful.” What does it mean to live in a democracy? This question confronts all peoples aspiring to a life of liberty, security, and dignity. For those living in a political…

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Image for MHC Receives the 2021 Schwartz Prize: It Took a Village!

MHC Receives the 2021 Schwartz Prize: It Took a Village!

December 15, 2021 - By Rose McGee

The nation witnessed in horror and heard Mr. George Floyd’s plea, “I can’t breathe” and with his last dying breath, his call out for his “Mama.” That was May 2020 and all eyes were on Minnesota. At Minnesota Humanities Center (MHC), we struggled with how and even when to respond…

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Image for A tribute to Dr. James Peterson (1942–2021): In Memoriam

A tribute to Dr. James Peterson (1942–2021): In Memoriam

November 5, 2021 - By Patrick Henry

James L. Peterson, who served on the Minnesota Humanities Center (MHC) Board of Directors from 2009 to 2018, died on October 30, 2021. In May 2018 he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and lived an almost unheard-of additional three and a half years. Jim brought to the MHC…

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Image for Impossible to Remain Silent

Impossible to Remain Silent

June 3, 2021 - By Kevin Lindsey

Our nation, for far too long, has remained silent about open and notorious acts of racial violence experienced by African Americans. As a teenager reading, The Black Book edited by Middleton A. Harris and Toni Morrison, I became aware of the countless atrocities experienced by African Americans that were ignored…

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Image for Rage and the Minnesota Poet Laureate

Rage and the Minnesota Poet Laureate

April 30, 2021 - By Athena Kildegaard

A few days ago a jury found Derek Chauvin guilty of killing George Floyd—a murder that feels simultaneously as if it happened yesterday and as if it happened years ago.

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Image for The Work Ahead

The Work Ahead

April 23, 2021 - By Kevin Lindsey

In the span of less than seven years, Minnesota has been the site of several high–profile incidents involving the use of deadly force against African American men by law enforcement.

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Image for Remembering the Women who Shaped my Life

Remembering the Women who Shaped my Life

April 14, 2021 - By Mary K. Boyd

I grew up in the Rondo community.  It was a village of community educators.  As I reflect, I am grateful to the women of that village who helped to guide and shape my life.  I remember being told by my mother, “There is nothing that you cannot do if you…

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Image for On the Blazing of Trails

On the Blazing of Trails

March 26, 2021 - By Dr. Theresa Battle

In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Minnesota Humanities Center has asked some of our friends to write essays to share with you their thoughts on diverse women’s achievements and challenges over time, in Minnesota and elsewhere. These thoughts and reflections display a variety of perspectives to encourage healthy dialogue,…

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Image for Recovering Women’s Stories/Inventing Women’s History

Recovering Women’s Stories/Inventing Women’s History

March 24, 2021 - By Mary K. Boyd

In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Minnesota Humanities Center has asked some of our friends to write essays to share with you their thoughts on diverse women’s achievements and challenges over time, in Minnesota and elsewhere. These thoughts and reflections display a variety of perspectives to encourage healthy dialogue,…

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